Thursday, October 30, 2014

Marana Sucks- At it again new cluster development allowed after unanimous oposition

Last night after complete opposition from neighboring homeowners the Planning Commission passed unanimously another cluster development for one of  lowest quality builders.Even after one of the town councilors asked them not to in a public speech.

Please see article KOLD News

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Marana sucks- Town ordinance "NO TRAIN HORN ALLOWED"

Well it finally happened. They did not want to hear the train horn so they passed an ordinance for a quiet zone no train horns.
See article KOLD News

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Marana Sucks.... Why is this development not approved while the Twin Peaks corridor is devastated with cluster developments?

The council denied a developer to build one of theses cluster home development for some unknown reason the other night. It sounds like a personality problem that defeated this development not common sense. I have placed the article below for your review.

Marana Sucks Why Marana will not adopt the Pima County Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan

Marana has refused to adopt the Pima County Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan!

It is because they do not care enough for the preservation of the most pristine area of the desert. The are letting developers have their way with the town.. They just bulldozed the area for the mega Outlet Mall,,,,40 acres.  It was an area that archaeological discoveries were made including human remains dating back to 1000 BC according to articles in the news.

They bulldozed it anyway. I requested the Archaeological Study and was told they do not have it and would not afford it to me if they did. I was to contact the Army Core of Engineers. I did.... No response.

No I know progress is inevitable but there has to be some type of rules.. total destruction of a special area is not right... The original zoning was perfect for the area. Wholesale changes to these crap developments is criminal !!!!!!!!!


Some time ago, I sent a complaint to the AZ Attorney General on a serial meeting that was held with the developer and two councilors at a time, rotating in and out of a conference room. I received the findings, NO VIOLATION..... really, it meets the very definition of Serial Discussions as outlawed in the statute. I have attached a copy of the below.....

This is such a good old boys finding I can not even speak!!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Marana Sucks here we go

'The town is asking for a sales tax increase, why ?  Due to town growth ! Let us look at what they are doing, in short creating a Oro Valley or Tempe! They are letting developers build cluster homes NO ONE wants, now they start building the huge government to serve the people buying these small homes. 

It is the beginning if a cycle of tax, develop, tax, develop. No end until mass traffic jams, crime, noise, rental houses, lower quality of life all around. Instead of creating a town unlike any other with large lots nice homes, construction design that reflects the southwest in lieu of any other street in AZ or America.. They just continue the cookie cutter destruction of the desert. 

Oh their legacy will be they built the town,, but what are the building. A town like all others, it will look like, have the same life style, same crime, speeding traffic jambs, delinquent properties, vacant stores, flooding, water problems, sewer problems. 

They want to build a Heritage Area showcasing the agriculture history, but they removed the staue of a cowboy on the horse at the entrance to town..and replaced it with a generic gateway oh say like any other place..

They are letting developers bulldoze the farm fields a build cluster housing. Great legacy!!!!!!!
The mayor will pass on, we will be suffering for his vision. 

Time to change leadership to more responsible individuals.