Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Marana Sucks- Future with no water??????

 A possibility of no CAP water in the future, how can they keep letting 10's of thousands houses to be built as well as the commercial services to feed them.. 


Click on this NO WATER SOON

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Marana Sucks , new master plan to ruin a once great area

The clueless council is moving forward with a new master plan to ruing the once great area of Marana AZ,, Gone are the farms, ranches, wild life, horseback riding, hiking ect. Now they are moving ahead to create housing plans the have three to five homes PER ACRE, 6000 sf lots are the norm

Click here to view article Ruining a great place to live

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Marana Sucks - More cluster homes creating new vistas

Marana boasts of the mountain vistas, well these are the new ones they are creating along Twin Peaks and Camino DeManna

In both of these videos you could see the mountains in the past, I will post when the buldozed section is built so you will see the abomination 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Marana Sucks- Wake up Marana not enough water

Marana continues to let developers strip the desert and build tiny shit houses at an alarming rate. They have been told there is not enough water available for sustained gross build out and they ignore the facts. Yes they get ground water but that has dropped significantly around Maran. They just want more population so more stores are built for the sales tax money period.

Click here :Warning on CAP water use