Saturday, November 1, 2014

Marana sucks- They spent hundreds of thousand of dollars promoting Marana Heritage

But they remove items like the cowboy on a horse statue at the entrance of Marana and replace it with a planter. 

They let McDonalds build an ultra modern building that look so awkward where it is and is two stories in height. 

To build the McDonalds the demolish the oldest Adobe building in Marana  in lieu of restoring it according to what I have been told by a life resident. 

The city of Tucson is purchasing out lying area buildings and demolishing them to create a Consevation area and Marana is bulldozing the Sonora desert and filling it with structures. 

Such Hippocrates 

Marana sucks- Council women asks Planning Commission NOT to approve THIS development

While this sound nice, it was due to her friend living close by. After her plead I asked her off to the side and inquired why she voted for the two abominations up the road last winter. She looked at me with a blank stare, and said what developments are you speaking of?  

That's funny the criminal mayor and the corrupt council crammed two of them through in one night, the only other approved zoning changes in the Twin Peak corridor. She knew exactly what I was speaking of.  Then she stated she looks at every proposal individually. What was different with the other two, one with 240 homes on 100 acres. Easy her friend did not live nearby. 

Total corruption through out the system.