Friday, October 28, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Marana Sucks, They voted the new cluster home development in unanimously

Well they voted to let yet another two story cluster home development to move to the council. Soon we will be able to see only roof tops where the desert and mountain vistas existed. Thank you planning commission.

One thing that came up last night was the fact that the other developers in the area are not happy with this one because he intends to use the infrastructure they agreed to pay for when they wanted their entitlements.

Now they approached the commission last night to try to get them to attach a condition that this developer pay his share of the infrastructure....... Since when does the government get involved with disputes between developers. Than God the finally decided it was not their place to get involved with this issue.

I was at the meetings where the two developers that begged them to pass their plans, they stood there and stated we will pay for everything, sewers, water, traffic signals, ect. Now they are up in front of the commission begging for them to make people help them pay for everything  so they can sell there developments to the builders that won't touch them due to the infrastructure costs..

Oh well maybe there is a little justice after all.....

Monday, October 24, 2016

Marana officials must be corrupt

The town of Marana is going to ok another shit development in the pristine desert off Camino De Manna. it will be right next to the one already approved for 244 shit homes. They are bulldozing the most pristine Sonora desert in the town......that is all the care about is money not the investments of the neighbors. You can perform all the due diligence you want, they just change the zoning at the whim of the developers

Stay away if your are considering Marana