Saturday, November 1, 2014

Marana sucks- They spent hundreds of thousand of dollars promoting Marana Heritage

But they remove items like the cowboy on a horse statue at the entrance of Marana and replace it with a planter. 

They let McDonalds build an ultra modern building that look so awkward where it is and is two stories in height. 

To build the McDonalds the demolish the oldest Adobe building in Marana  in lieu of restoring it according to what I have been told by a life resident. 

The city of Tucson is purchasing out lying area buildings and demolishing them to create a Consevation area and Marana is bulldozing the Sonora desert and filling it with structures. 

Such Hippocrates 

Marana sucks- Council women asks Planning Commission NOT to approve THIS development

While this sound nice, it was due to her friend living close by. After her plead I asked her off to the side and inquired why she voted for the two abominations up the road last winter. She looked at me with a blank stare, and said what developments are you speaking of?  

That's funny the criminal mayor and the corrupt council crammed two of them through in one night, the only other approved zoning changes in the Twin Peak corridor. She knew exactly what I was speaking of.  Then she stated she looks at every proposal individually. What was different with the other two, one with 240 homes on 100 acres. Easy her friend did not live nearby. 

Total corruption through out the system. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Marana Sucks- At it again new cluster development allowed after unanimous oposition

Last night after complete opposition from neighboring homeowners the Planning Commission passed unanimously another cluster development for one of  lowest quality builders.Even after one of the town councilors asked them not to in a public speech.

Please see article KOLD News

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Marana sucks- Town ordinance "NO TRAIN HORN ALLOWED"

Well it finally happened. They did not want to hear the train horn so they passed an ordinance for a quiet zone no train horns.
See article KOLD News

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Marana Sucks.... Why is this development not approved while the Twin Peaks corridor is devastated with cluster developments?

The council denied a developer to build one of theses cluster home development for some unknown reason the other night. It sounds like a personality problem that defeated this development not common sense. I have placed the article below for your review.

Marana Sucks Why Marana will not adopt the Pima County Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan

Marana has refused to adopt the Pima County Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan!

It is because they do not care enough for the preservation of the most pristine area of the desert. The are letting developers have their way with the town.. They just bulldozed the area for the mega Outlet Mall,,,,40 acres.  It was an area that archaeological discoveries were made including human remains dating back to 1000 BC according to articles in the news.

They bulldozed it anyway. I requested the Archaeological Study and was told they do not have it and would not afford it to me if they did. I was to contact the Army Core of Engineers. I did.... No response.

No I know progress is inevitable but there has to be some type of rules.. total destruction of a special area is not right... The original zoning was perfect for the area. Wholesale changes to these crap developments is criminal !!!!!!!!!


Some time ago, I sent a complaint to the AZ Attorney General on a serial meeting that was held with the developer and two councilors at a time, rotating in and out of a conference room. I received the findings, NO VIOLATION..... really, it meets the very definition of Serial Discussions as outlawed in the statute. I have attached a copy of the below.....

This is such a good old boys finding I can not even speak!!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Marana Sucks here we go

'The town is asking for a sales tax increase, why ?  Due to town growth ! Let us look at what they are doing, in short creating a Oro Valley or Tempe! They are letting developers build cluster homes NO ONE wants, now they start building the huge government to serve the people buying these small homes. 

It is the beginning if a cycle of tax, develop, tax, develop. No end until mass traffic jams, crime, noise, rental houses, lower quality of life all around. Instead of creating a town unlike any other with large lots nice homes, construction design that reflects the southwest in lieu of any other street in AZ or America.. They just continue the cookie cutter destruction of the desert. 

Oh their legacy will be they built the town,, but what are the building. A town like all others, it will look like, have the same life style, same crime, speeding traffic jambs, delinquent properties, vacant stores, flooding, water problems, sewer problems. 

They want to build a Heritage Area showcasing the agriculture history, but they removed the staue of a cowboy on the horse at the entrance to town..and replaced it with a generic gateway oh say like any other place..

They are letting developers bulldoze the farm fields a build cluster housing. Great legacy!!!!!!!
The mayor will pass on, we will be suffering for his vision. 

Time to change leadership to more responsible individuals.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Government at its best

Well some time ago I asked the state attorney general to investigate the meetings held with developers in secrete by the councilors. I received a letter today stating exactly  what I thought they would find, No Violation was found....... no surprise to me.. one government entity protecting another.

I have been following the tens of thousands the town is spending on media to convince us it is Our Town, I speak of the "Your Town" campaign. It is not our town it is the DEVELOPERS town, they run the politicians and can get anything they want anywhere they want.....

The town will end up being loaded with abandoned low income housing and homes that become rental units and foreclosures,  oh say like Honea Heights.

Check out this pristine development by the mayors family

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Marana Sucks, Zoning is suposedly for a reason

Through the years, when the government decided to pass zoning regulations, many people stated it was none of their business what we did with land we owned.. Well over the years it became the norm, zoning seemed to play a roll in keeping neighborhoods in sync for the most part.

We all rely on surrounding zoning to buy land. It may be for your biggest investment, your home that you will pay for monthly for most of your life.. or for a ranch to live a rural  life style. Once you are imbedded in your property and have committed to an area, it is hard to move at the drop of a pin when corrupt developers and your elected officials conspire to force their vision down your throat.

They have the power and the developers the money to cause the officials in some manor to agree to let them rape the neighborhoods. So to rely on the regulations they convinced us are for our good is a false premises. The will change it at the drop of a pin to let a developer build what they want to bring in more tax revenue that they DO NOT NEED..

Monday, May 5, 2014

Marana Sucks Twin Peaks Corridor Study

This link will give you a copy of the "Your Town" Twin Peaks Corridor Study, They are concerned with color, concealment, light reflection, signage.... nothing about lot size, quality of construction, two story homes, density, traffic, preservation of desert..... Such crap.... we spoke for some time on this and it was passed no discussion... tells me it is being discussed out of public hearing.....

Oh by the way, how come everything always is "Your Town" but they will not listen to us???????????

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Marana Sucks the vision of the mayor

Please see this article where it states "the need for smart planning" is required. This is a joke , what they have been approving is criminal at best.

Marana Sucks New Vistas off Camnio De Manna

Driving down Camino De Manna toward Twin Peaks, It was in the past that you could view the mountains from this point. Not so much with the new vision of the town.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Marana Sucks Tax money spent on false advertising

The town has released it's "Your Town " propaganda video.

It starts with a vista view of the sun setting against the mountains

Well the cluster home developments right at the roadways makes it looks more like this

Why did they even spend the money to make the video. If the town is as vibrant as they say, what do they need to advertise for ?

This is more what it is beginning to look like.....

They show the beautiful desert and water crossing during horseback riding, the hiking, the old ruins.... then one split second of the homes being built destroying the same thing they are promoting.

I am not against development, but I am strongly opposed to the zoning changes from R-36 to cluster homes... High density housing is bad for the community...
They suckered us to move here with the beauty.... the web stated all the land around us was to be built out similarly... then with out discussion they allowed 260 homes some two story to be built in our neighborhood even with complete opposition.....  Criminal attitude and rapping the value of our homes we have poured our life savings into.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Marana Sucks, Below is an article on Marana Chamber of Commerce

This article says developers are flocking to town because it is safe, business friendly and good schools. Well good for them, because when they complete their cluster homes and make millions, while the existing home owner suffer from the massive influx of people, all of the reason they came to the town will BE GONE !!!

The schools will be overloaded causing great expenditures for maintenance, and of course  new schools will be needed and County taxes will increase to build them. The so called safe area will be over run by quality of live issues, graffiti, mail box break ins (already epidemic in area), speeding ( already bad in the area and they can do nothing to stop it). Not to mention the break ins during the day time.

Now I am not against development, I was a developer, But the thing is I bought land that was zoned for what I wanted to develop. The criminal developers around here buy land zoned one thing and know they can get it changed to what ever they want no matter how much opposition there is from the existing home owners that have spent their life savings to live a semi rural life style.

It is a viscous plan  they have created, retail will not come with out many homes. Understood, Who says we need a strip center and gas station on every street????? Why do we need a Premium Outlet mall, are we going to shop there, NO it will draw people from allover the area to our roads to speed and clog them up,more stop lights, more cops, bright signs, noise.

The article states the Town is looking for ways to bring in the infrastructure so the developers do not have to... OH GREAT we pay for the infrastructure to ruin our life style....

There can be a happy medium if the dam Town was not so corrupt toward developers and so dam hell bent on being, oh say PHOENIX. If we  wanted to live like that I would have bought in Phoenix.

Oh by the way if you want to see what Marana will look like soon, drive down Houghton or look to the right on I10 out that way..pretty ugly....
They talk of the Towns strategic plan, well who's vision is it,,,, not the residence, it is the vision of  Hoynea, and his cronies that are all in business that rely on housing, real estate, insurance, ect.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Marana Sucks, Proud of the crap housing they approved, one on top of another around custom homes and ranchers.

The town appears, as can be expected, proud of what they are doing to destroy the chance to make Marana different from, Oh lets say Oro Valley, Phoenix, house on top of house, two story home destroying the vistas, wild life destruction. For what, Developers and retailers, More tax money to buy toys for the town? Money to shoot town videos to promote themselves.? Money for another grand complex Heritage Park Arena?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Marana Sucks desert tortoise not protected

200 armed officer have a Nevada ranch surrounded to remove their cattle from land they have used for decades to graze because they are protecting the tortoise,,, Marana approves cluster homes in a habitat where they are known to be for developers to make millions....

Marana Sucks, This one slipped through due to no way of knowing what is in the pipes

Due to the towns refusal to have placards posted on the site of proposed zoning changes, this abomination slipped through the process. It is at Camino De Oesta and Tangerine on the west side of Tangerine. It also was pristine Sonoran desert zoned for large lots.

These are going to be cluster homes on 6000 sf lots with two story homes again... Total disregard for surrounding property owners and the desert. Just bulldoze it all for developer profits. It is criminal what the town is doing to this area.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Marana Sucks This is what it felt like after Marana approved two cluster home developments in our area.

This is what it felt like trying to be heard in the town of Marana Planning commission and Council, While they did not come right out and tell us to go to hell, they sure made it known that that is the way they felt by sneaking behind our back meeting with the developers the day of the Public Hearing.

I have spoke on this circumvention of law in previous posts. May need to make the state aware of this ploy.

One can loose respect (spelled correctly unlike Obama) in grass roots politics the same way we loose respect for Washington if they are unresponsive to our concerns. In our case it was 99% of  those who spoke in opposition to 1 person who spoke in favor of the developments and he was not even from Marana but in the city of Tucson..

So if you can not get the local politicians to listen to you, what do we do, recall ????? Spend my hard earned resources to oppose them in elections ???? I think recall is the best idea. they are responsive to MONEY of the developers.  It does not show up n their campaign reports as donations to their campaign so where are the repositories.

And why did they have to circumvent the public hearing laws by meeting no more than two at a time behind closed doors in the Town building the day of the hearing ?????????? It is done so no possible quorum call is published for the public to know of them meeting that is why.....

It was revealing when one councilor stated in the hearing that "the Mayor said he was not going to vote for anything under a 2 RAC for the area.. cluster homes on 6000 sf lots.....  that is how i found out about their closed door private meeting with the developers.....

Not in the spirit of representing the public, but in making the developer very rich !!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Marana Sucks A closer look at their Vision for our neighborhood

This is a map of the current raping of the neighborhood and the potential future high density area that they would like to see developed into unwanted high density cluster homes. 

This is the Preserves at Twin Peaks on a Satellite map so you can see how big it was. It has been cut back by 40 acres due to a partner pulling out, reason unknown.  

Notice at the bottom of this map is what they did to the Continental  Ranch, this is their vision for the Twin Peaks corridor, It is being forced on us by developers and the council.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Marana Sucks Continental Rach

Very depressing day, I took a ride down Coachline road in Continental Ranch. This is off Twin Peaks road past the Santa Cruz river. It is what they are going to do to Twin Peaks corridor.

House on top of house forever... It sucks

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Marana Sucks Which do you like

Or this
(these two area are to be bulldozed for the development of high density homes)

This is Decker site will have tow story homes soon where it was zoned for one home per acre 

This is the De Manna site that will house 199 homes many two story are to be built where it was zoned for one home per acre. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Marana Sucks Welcome to the Pristine Sonoran Desert .......Right

This is the resent approved development where it was one acre lot zoning. So if your thinking of moving to Marana to get away from high density rat race, do not move here, they will allow the developers anything they want...... I wonder what they got out of it? Only they know due to them circumventing the open meeting laws by meeting only two at a time with the developer during the day of the public meeting.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Marana Sucks this article is crap,

This is the article in the local newspaper on annexation of a plot of land, They say it is to square up the boundaries, but it is owned by Pulte homes and is going to be rezoned to high density housing. All neighbors were in opposition to the annexation, however as is the usual case they did not listen and passed it anyway .

Marana Sucks Explorer News article on the two development

Here is the article after the meeting that the council passed two high density developments against the local residence concerns.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Marana Sucks recorded meetings for Rancho De Manna (low Density) and two high density developments this month

2-2014 In this recording of the Town Council meeting for Preserves at Twin Peak and Twin Peak Vistas you can see that after many of the neighbors spoke with passion to leave the zoning as is, the council passed both with NO DISCUSSION.

8-2011 In this recording you can hear the many questions and discussion on the Rancho De Manna 3 acre to one acre zone change. They also place a 30% max disturbances on the property, Not on the developers above. This was passed with a Planning Commission vote of NOT to approve. This one needs 30 foot set back the two cluster developers above only need 20 foot setback.

Please listen to the uncaring Council in both of these recording. In neither do the developers live in the town of Marana.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Marana Sucks Who wants to be Glendale???????

This is the towns vision,,,,, 200,000 people in a few decades. WHY we do not want to be Glendale... We moved here to be in an area as it exists NOW.

This is so full of BS ,,, they are not listening to us and are making all the mistakes he speaks of in a rush to be Glendale... You can not talk to them, they DO NOT listen to those who have settled here.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Marana Sucks treatment of one land owner vs two developers with money

In 2011 a property owner wanted to change his zoning from 3.3 acres to one acre lots off Camino DeManna. ( by the cell tower) Ranco De Manna. The town made them jump through hoops. They questioned them at length at the public hearing.

This month the town passes two zoning changes to cluster homes on 6000 SF lots with no discussion. How is that possible for such a major change with total opposition from the adjacent property owners? It makes no sense unless the it was a done deal before the public hearing.. for that to happen there would have to be private discussions with the developers and between councilors prior to the public hearing.....

And it did happen in the last two passed proposals.. they circumvented the pubic notice law by meeting with no more than two in the room with the developer at a time before the public hearing. So there was no discussion, no questions before the public that night.

This is just short of criminal behavior by the council..... it defeats the public hearing process. We the people needed to hear the questions and deals made with the developers to pass the zoning change that made millions for two developers at the detriment of the surrounding property owners.

During the zoning change for the Rancho De Manna they questioned the owner at length and made them make concessions in public. For these two they did not ... Why?

Then there is the publishing of the minutes, the minutes of the cell tower Rancho De Manna  public hearing were in detail and explicit.

and then there is this meeting for two major zoning changes;

People spoke passionately against the two zoning changes and for their full time allotted and this is all that is reported. It is also not mentioned that they denied several of us the use of the overhead projector. They even have a written policy for the public  to use it but they said we could not.. The planners and developers could do anything they wanted with the projector and computers.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Marana Sucks- Specific Annexation for A Developer

On 10-15-13 the town council voted to annex a specific 36.79 acres into the town for a specific developer apparently Pulte Homes. The vote was tied with Vice Chairmen absent from the meeting roll call. It appears as though the Vice Chair was summoned due to the tie vote. He bolted into the meeting and sided with the Mayor thus annexing the property into the town. Council women Ziegler apparently questioned the ethics and legality of actions by various people leading up to and including the public hearing and was verbally attached by the Vice Chairman. (as reported to me by a attendee)

From my observations, remarks by council members and the reported comment by Ziegler above.... there is no doubt in my mind that the council is skirting the edge of meeting law and ethics with their questionable actions.

It appears again that the town wants high density housing in the Twin Peaks region so bad they will now complete specific annexation at the behest of a specific developer.

I might add that there was total opposition by the existing large lot homeowners. But as always the town goes for the developer and money. In a meeting with a neighbor and the mayor, he made an odd statement to the neighbor" Some people thing i am on the dole... but  I am not".... Must look so guilty he has to offer a comment on the subject.... just saying Next comes the re-zoning of the annexed land.... Will most likely be a waste of time and effort to try and stop.... but I will...

Please see this report for more information

Monday, February 24, 2014

Marana Sucks Taxes

I have written on that in my opinion, criminal actions of the council and the planning commission in allowing the high density housing to be built in the Twin Peaks region that is zoned R-36  one acre per residence.

At the meeting a gentleman spoke on the consequences to the surrounding Pima county residences. He spoke of the fact that high density housing is causing his taxes to increase exponentially, you say how, well he makes a great point.

If you build housing as zoned, lets say on the Preserves at Twin Peaks, it would be maybe 100 families when completely built out. So you have kids from 100 families. Now you change the zoning to 200 homes on the same property you have 200 families.

So as this keeps happening the schools can not accommodate fast increase of cluster high density homes being built.... in this case 200 at Preserves at Twin Peak and Vistas at Twin Peaks 60. 260 new families in a short time, and there are others in progress and already approved in the area. in lieu of what could be built under the existing zoning, say 125 custom homes that take a longer time to sell and build giving the turnover at the schools to proceed at a normal pace.

So now we need more schools, teachers, and staff. Well the schools are funded from Pima County taxes, so everybody in the area pays for the Marana Council's greed for roofs. Now this gentleman's taxes go up again. He stated that since  the  high density housing and apartments at Tangerine his taxes have gone from $700.00 to $4500.00 per year.....

Well I never thought of this fact but it makes sense. More money More money More money !!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Marana Sucks- Citizen engagement

On their website they encourage citizen engagement "The Marana Town Council, through its Strategic Plan, believes that civic engagement is a critical component of the Town’s development." This is a joke..... When fully engaged as the citizens were for two development proposals, we were ignored and both the Planning Commission and the Council voted for these abominations in favor of the developer unanimously.

So the one with money has  more concern of the government,  than almost total opposition by the neighborhood.There is nothing more frustrating than the feeling of a futile attempt to change the mind of  a blind politician. Let me hypothetically clarify the word blind, uncaring, mind made up, possibly corrupt, has a interest and did not disclose to the public.

The other day they put up a site called Marana 365 a community forum to get comments on different items of interest. Well one was the Strategic Plan update. Of course I was the first to place my comments on the site. Basically stating why bother, you do not follow the current plan. Most specifically the Twin Peaks corridor is LOW DENSITY HOUSING with R-36 ZONING on the plan. It took no time at all for the current to be changed by  an override for two developers.

Well of course they removed my remarks as they did for my comments on the hiring of more bureaucrats, most specifically an Deputy Town Manager. GONE before they even could be read.

Lets speak of the Deputy Town Manager, the other night I attended the council meeting and the Town Manager sat on the Dias, I am not sure he even spoke a word the whole time I was there, The Mayor controlled everything.

So what does he do if anything and why do we need a Deputy Manager???? mo money mo money mo money !!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Marana Sucks This or That

The planning commission and the town council has just voted to turn the Twin Peaks corridor into a common cluster home area, nothing special as it was zoned prior to the zoning change,

The question is what would you like to see this

Or this R-36 developed lot

This is one of the area they are going to bulldozed for the cluster homes
Below: looking South west standing on Twin Peaks 

This is where Preserves at Twin Peaks is going to bulldoze. What a name it preserves nothing

Marana Sucks - The Mayor and sewer hookups

Against advice, Mayor Honea speaks as resident

hare on facebook

Declaring a conflict of interest, Marana Mayor Ed Honea removed himself from the council
 dais on Tuesday night when it came to discussions over emergency sewage connections in t
he Honea Heights neighborhood, of which he is the landowner.

But even after his declaration, conflict did arise when Honea requested to speak on the subject 
as a citizen of the town.
It was then, as Honea began to approach the podium, that resident David Morales – a former 
council candidate and regular at town meetings – stood from his chair and interrupted Honea, 
calling for a point of order.

Approaching the dais, Morales stated that allowing Honea to speak on the subject – whether as
 a citizen or not – was in itself a conflict of interest. 
Vice Mayor Jon Post, who was leading the meeting in Honea’s temporary absence, deferred 
to Town Attorney Frank Cassidy.

“Even though I would recommend, typically, that any councilmember not attempt to speak as 
a private citizen… from a First Amendment perspective, he has a right if he insists on doing it,”
 said Cassidy. “I do think it creates an appearance of conflict, because a councilmember has 
more sway with fellow council members. There’s no question about that. I’ll leave it at that –
 I don’t think we can demand Mr. Honea not speak.”

The item before council on Tuesday was intended to examine policy guidelines for the use of
 town funds to pay for emergency sewage connections fees and related construction for 
residents of Honea Heights, a low-to-medium income neighborhood whose residents, in part, 
are hooked to septic.
Some of those residents are experiencing failing septic systems. 
In 2004, a partnership was formed between Marana and Pima County to convert all plots from 
septic to sewage, but due to contracting bankruptcies, insufficient funding, and later, the battle 
over wastewater control between the two jurisdictions, the project was left unfinished. 
Now, with the town owning and operating its own sewer system, the burden has fallen entirely 
on Marana to – as residents in Tuesday’s meeting stated – “keep its promise” in completing the 
Town Manager Gilbert Davidson says the town has been working on doing exactly that since the 
project came to a halt, having invested approximately $4 million in town funds and grants to
 rectify failing septic systems and area infrastructure. 
Even with that amount invested, funding was exhausted before all Honea Heights homes could
 be hooked up to sewage. 

There are an estimated 96 property owners that are not hooked into the sewage system.
Approximately 350 people live in the neighborhood’s 199 units. 
The town intends to continue pursuing grant money to help offset the cost of hookups and 
construction expenses, but is also budgeting $75,000 for at least the next two years in the 
case emergency septic issues arise.

But the issue before council on Tuesday night was less about whether the town should pay
 for emergency hookups than it was about who should receive those hookups.

Councilmember Roxanne Ziegler argued that only owner-occupied properties should qualify
 and that the property owner of the rental homes – in this case Honea – should be held
 responsible for paying for those sewage hookups since he has been collecting rent money. 
The town estimates each sewage hookup and construction will cost an average of $12,000. 
If council determined rental properties did not qualify for emergency hookups, Honea would 
have to come out of pocket for each of his rentals’ fees.

It was on that subject that Honea chose to speak, albeit briefly. 
“In the early days of this promise, there was no differential between owner occupied or 
rental properties,” said Honea. 

Honea said he charges renters just $165 per month.
“If you charge me $12,000 because it’s a rental property for those units, to hook them up,
 I will shut it down, and make those people homeless,” said Honea. “It’s not a threat, it’s a business decision on my part. I can’t pay $12,000 for every one of those units to hook them up. The hookup fee for the sewer is worth more than the property.”

Those words were enough to prompt a quick response from Ziegler.
“Mr. Honea. First of all I can’t believe you would actually evict those people. Shame on you,” 
she said, adding it wasn't fair to “hold the council hostage” for what she said should be his 
financial responsibility.

Shortly after, Ziegler made a motion that only owner-occupied households, whether considered
 low-income or not, qualify for town-funded emergency sewage connection fees.
The motion failed in a 3-3 vote.

Referencing the fact that future grant money received would apply equally to owners and renters,
 councilmember Dave Bowen put forward a second motion that construction and connection fees
 would be paid for all currently occupied homes that are considered habitable.

However, there are no guarantees the grant money referred to by Bowen will be approved. 
The town has only applied for the funding at this point.
The motion passed unanimously. 
Future renters and homeowners of Honea Heights are not subject to the privileges of
 town-funded emergency hookups t

So wht does he do next??

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why I moved into Marana (much is gone now)

When we were looking where to buy our winter home, we viewed approx 75 homes in many AZ locations. We fell in love with Marana area at Camino De Manna. Main road was not traveled much, side roads were sand and had the most pristine Sonora desert vegetation you could imagine.

There were Coyotes, Havalinas, more rabbits than I have ever seen, bobcats and more. The train came by in the distance and you could hear the horn, I love train horns. People set up tables on the side of the main roads like a drive by fair, you could by mostly things you could not find at store it was quaint. Cars were for sale many street corners,. It was a hoot to drive around on the weekends and shop.

Well the great town of Marana passed ordinances to stop the street side vendors, all gone just new litter now. The then passed an ordinance that the trains could not blow their horns at crossings, protected or not. trains are quite until someone gets killed.

Mountain views from all direction were incredible, in respect to everyone else only one story homes were built to save the views. Now they are letting developers build 35 foot structures which they call two story homes, where  come from 35 feet is 3.5 stories.

We could not disturb more than 30% of our lot, which for us includes the road we own, The developers can strip the desert for these cluster developments........

They built a four lane highway right through the desert from I 10 to Dove Mountain for the developers. Now Camino De Manna is a high traffic cut through and Desert Falcon (which several homeowners and I own) has become a cross over.

We had to place signs and speed bumps at our expense to cut down the speeding traffic. and now you can hear the Jake breaks, speeding, thumping cars all day and night..... not to mention Harley's and two cycle screamers.

The developers that knew what was coming bought up all the land at cheap prices, even though it was zoned r-36 one acre lots, no problem the town want "roofs" so they will let them build cheap two story houses all along the new road...  I might add we checked the surrounding zoning before we purchased to make sure of what would be built around us. It sis not matter they will vote to let a developer make millions off our dismay with no problem.

 More graffiti, more crime, more traffic, for what,  the town has a huge police force, the fire departments are great but we pay separate for them. We pay for garbage pick up, we are on wells, and septic... so what the hell do they need all this new money for.

A few years ago in the middle of downtown Marana (joke more like the dump they call downtown) they built a state of the art huge opulent municipal building. and are currently filling it with as many bureaucrats that they can fit in it to make our life miserable.  So thanks Marana for the what are now memories in just 6 short years. They sit up on their dais looking down at us like gods and they act like it too.

Marana AZ sucks, out of control government

The town of Marana AZ is so out of control or corrupt , not sure which, the hold meeting in the town hall but only have two councilors in the room at one so minutes and a possible quorum public notice do not have to be produced. The meet with developers and make deals with them so they do not have to have discussion in front of the public with minutes taken.

They then let the people speak for 3 minutes  on a topic. The town staff presents the development for the developers and shakes their hand when they beat the concerns of the public. The developers get to show photos and presentations, but they will not let the public show photos or documents when they get a chance to speak.

Almost all votes on developments are unanimous, how is this possible with out any discussion. It is pre-planned  in secret meeting or on the phone with other councilors..... Public input means nothing, On the two developments the other night their was one in favor and all and I mean all opposed, it was passed with no discussions unanimously. Not a probable outcome if it was not rigged..

Sty away from Marana if you are thinking of moving.

And of you are a boisterous opponent, you get you own armed police officer sitting behind you.....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Marana Sucks .....Council votes to allow cluster homes in Twin Peaks corridor

After hearing pleadings by all homeowners in the area to keep the zoning as is R-36 one acre lots, the council without discussion approved two cluster home development on 6000 sf lots with two and a half story homes with more to come.  This tells me that the deal was done before they had the public hearings. Most of the homes in the area are horse farms, with cattle, pigs, goats chickens, other homes are half million to three quarter of a million dollar homes on one to three and a half acres.

Land sharks came in during the down turn and bought up the land knowing they had the councils criminal ears. In short they would get what they want., and they did. Now our property will be worth less and hard to sell as it is developed. There is nothing special about Marana now, it will be just like Phoenix and Oro Valley, house on top of house.

No concern for the current property owners,they are ow allowing two story houses 20 feet from the property line. Vistas ruined by 30 foot high structures. Traffic is going to be horrific on the surrounding roads, the price point is low and will draw a different class of home owners to the area and cause crime to rise, graffiti is already o the rise and will get worse. For what more tax money? 'The schools will be overloaded with the high density housing and the need for more money from our taxes to build new schools and hire more teachers is eminent.

They give us nothing except police coverage, no sewers,no water, no garbage pick up no fire protection, we have to pay for all of that on top of taxes.......What was once a great place to buy a house is now going to be a crowded scum neighborhood with most homes ending up as rentals in years to come.

If you are thinking of moving to AZ DO NOT SELECT MARANA. they care nothing about the people that have spent life saving for a life style. The fact that they will change zoning to make developers millions at the expense of the current homeowners is nothing less than criminal.

It is a major failure of local government gone bad. Grass root government is as corrupt as the national government........

Where one I believed in justice and local government, Marana has shown itself to be less than honorable...The mayor is hell bent on placing as many roofs in as small an area as he can and has made it known.... he does not give a crap about any of the current homeowners, just want tax money..

Last knight as soon as i walked in they had a unformed armed police officer sit right behind me.. guess they are afraid of me because of my passion.

Marana sucks

Town of Marana SUCKS Unfriendly to homeowners

We  purchased a home in a rural area of Marana to enjoy the pristine desert. I reviewed the zoning around the property and it was one home on one acre. This was acceptable so I spent almost 3/4 of a million dollars on my home. The area was equine friendly and has small ranches, sand side roads and low traffic.

During the housing crash, much of the open land was purchased by land developers at bargain prices. No problem it is zoned one acre per house right......  WRONG. A new four lane high way was cut through the desert and the TOWN wants roofs to pay the way to a larger government.

Now right near my house the town has allowed 250 homes to be built on 6000 sf lots. CLUSTER high density low cost housing in an area of pristine Sonora desert. It will be bulldozed and two story cluster homes built on top of each other, EVERY adjoining neighbor opposed the zoning change. We spoke at several meetings and the Commissioners did not care about anything we had to say, We pleaded to leave it as is zoned and as they advertised it on their website.

The developers purchased the land knowing the zoning was one acre per home, now they wanted to change the zoning to gain huge profits and the town agreed. They spoke as if they worked for the developer. Absolutely no concern for the home  owners who have committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to live in a rural area.. a the town plan and the zoning laws showed.

Oh they let us speak for three minutes and many did, all in opposition except one and he lived a long way from the development in the city of Tucson, still do not know what that was about......

If you are thinking of moving, please do not consider the town of Marana, they only care for developers and money for the town to become a Phoenix like community...... stacked on top of each other.

The do not observe the zoning they set or the low density housing they set for an area... they will change the game after the fact at the drop of a pin for a developer with money.... screw the people already there that relied on their zoning maps.....

If I could get what I paid for my house I would leave in a second !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marana Town Government are criminals in my opinion.. as they have stolen value of my investment with their zoning changes for developers.....

God save the USA