Thursday, February 20, 2014

Marana AZ sucks, out of control government

The town of Marana AZ is so out of control or corrupt , not sure which, the hold meeting in the town hall but only have two councilors in the room at one so minutes and a possible quorum public notice do not have to be produced. The meet with developers and make deals with them so they do not have to have discussion in front of the public with minutes taken.

They then let the people speak for 3 minutes  on a topic. The town staff presents the development for the developers and shakes their hand when they beat the concerns of the public. The developers get to show photos and presentations, but they will not let the public show photos or documents when they get a chance to speak.

Almost all votes on developments are unanimous, how is this possible with out any discussion. It is pre-planned  in secret meeting or on the phone with other councilors..... Public input means nothing, On the two developments the other night their was one in favor and all and I mean all opposed, it was passed with no discussions unanimously. Not a probable outcome if it was not rigged..

Sty away from Marana if you are thinking of moving.

And of you are a boisterous opponent, you get you own armed police officer sitting behind you.....

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