Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Marana Sucks .....Council votes to allow cluster homes in Twin Peaks corridor

After hearing pleadings by all homeowners in the area to keep the zoning as is R-36 one acre lots, the council without discussion approved two cluster home development on 6000 sf lots with two and a half story homes with more to come.  This tells me that the deal was done before they had the public hearings. Most of the homes in the area are horse farms, with cattle, pigs, goats chickens, other homes are half million to three quarter of a million dollar homes on one to three and a half acres.

Land sharks came in during the down turn and bought up the land knowing they had the councils criminal ears. In short they would get what they want., and they did. Now our property will be worth less and hard to sell as it is developed. There is nothing special about Marana now, it will be just like Phoenix and Oro Valley, house on top of house.

No concern for the current property owners,they are ow allowing two story houses 20 feet from the property line. Vistas ruined by 30 foot high structures. Traffic is going to be horrific on the surrounding roads, the price point is low and will draw a different class of home owners to the area and cause crime to rise, graffiti is already o the rise and will get worse. For what more tax money? 'The schools will be overloaded with the high density housing and the need for more money from our taxes to build new schools and hire more teachers is eminent.

They give us nothing except police coverage, no sewers,no water, no garbage pick up no fire protection, we have to pay for all of that on top of taxes.......What was once a great place to buy a house is now going to be a crowded scum neighborhood with most homes ending up as rentals in years to come.

If you are thinking of moving to AZ DO NOT SELECT MARANA. they care nothing about the people that have spent life saving for a life style. The fact that they will change zoning to make developers millions at the expense of the current homeowners is nothing less than criminal.

It is a major failure of local government gone bad. Grass root government is as corrupt as the national government........

Where one I believed in justice and local government, Marana has shown itself to be less than honorable...The mayor is hell bent on placing as many roofs in as small an area as he can and has made it known.... he does not give a crap about any of the current homeowners, just want tax money..

Last knight as soon as i walked in they had a unformed armed police officer sit right behind me.. guess they are afraid of me because of my passion.

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